Registration open for Finlandia Open 2024

Finlandia Open 2024 will be held at the Kisakallio Sports Institute, Lohja 5.-8.12.2024. 

Finlandia Open is the perfect tournament for up-and-coming players who want to play many international matches in one tournament. U21 tournament is played on Thursday and the actual Finlandia Open from Friday to Sunday.  The PKO system in use for Men’s and Women’s Singles guarantees approximately six singles matches for each player. 

In Kisakallio Sports Institute everything is near. It’s just a few hundred meters walk from the accommodation to the competition venue. Finnish Table Tennis Association welcomes all players to Kisakallio!

Registration info

Invitation in English

Registration form

Kisakallio Sports Institute

Coach feedback

We visited Finlandia Open because the tournament mode is very interesting. Every player has a lot of matches and they can develop even during the tournament.

Everything is well organized and in one place. Sports hall, hotel, food…
We will be here every year!

Samir Mulabdic
Head Coach 
Swiss Table Tennis 

Suomalaisille pelaajille

Pöytätennisliitto valitsee Finlandia Openiin Suomesta edustajat miesten, naisten ja U21-sarjoihin. Suomen edustajien osalta kustannukset ovat muita osallistujia pienemmät. Kilpailuun saa ilmoittautua myös liiton paikkojen ulkopuolelta, mutta tällöin maksut ovat kisakutsussa mainitut. 

Suomalaiset pelaajat voivat ilmoittautua kisoihin laittamalla sähköpostin osoitteeseen  
